about Buoyancy Foundation

Buoyancy was founded in 1967.  In 2017 we celebrated our 50th birthday.

It was the first government funded drug and alcohol counselling service Australia.

Buoyancy charter is to reduce suffering caused by the adverse affects of drugs.

We are governed by Buoyancy members, policies on privacy and other rules, various legislation, annual audits and the ATO, reports to Consumer Affairs and Charity Commission.


After nearly fifty years of funding small non government organisations such as Buoyancy,  the  Commonwealth and Victorian Departments of Health gave

all drug and alcohol service funding, drug services provider status and government insurance scheme to mental illness workers and multimillion dollar consortiums such as Co Health ( North West Region Victoria).


Hence, Buoyancy will no longer be offering free face-to-face drug counselling, drug diversions from prison and therapeutic activities to new clients. We are in transition.

From 2014-2020, through info@buoyancy.org.au we are available to old clients who need follow up from previous work such as court reports, referrals and

copies of our booklet Nothing Wrong; Self Care for those who have been abused or abuse substances. 


For new client access to funded Australian  Commonwealth and State consolidated mental illness/pharmacotherapy case management systems, probably the most direct way to get service, is to obtain a mental health plan from a General Practiitioner.


Buoyancy is researching various sustainable models for the next fifty years to provide services for people suffering from the adverse impact of drugs  who perhaps are not, do not see see themselves, or wish to be seen as mentally ill.


We provide immediate and direct relief in the form of cash handouts to homeless people on the streets

donations to other service providers and  transforming our archives to an organisation guide called Buoyancy Snapshots to share our experience of running a drug service with other service providers.


A new building for meditation practise is also being constructed by Jikishoan

Buoyancy is a registered tax deductible gift recipient (Public Benevolent Institution).

 Buoyancy Foundation is an incorporated association (No. A002737C)


Buoyancy Foundation Inc would like to acknowledge the generous support of Bell Charitable Fund and William Angliss Charitable Fund.